New Classes Coming Soon

More Water Aerobics

Beginning Friday, September 6

Just like Mondays and Wednesdays, you now have the option of two Water Aerobics classes on Friday mornings. We are adding 8AM Friday to our lineup of popular classes.

Judi will lead the 8AM Water Aerobics class on Friday mornings followed by Cindy at 9:15AM




More Group Cycling

Beginning Wednesday, September 4

Now Wednesdays & Fridays with Rick at 9:30AM (New Time!)

Please remember to pre-register ONLINE for all Group Cycling classes.



TBC Fusion is replacing TBC Tone

Beginning Tuesday, September 10

Introducing TBC Fusion with Jodi. A full-body movement class combining exercise principles across modalities to bring you the best of what’s around!

Tuesdays @ 8:40AM


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Mask Mandate to End March 12

Mask Mandate to End – March 12, 2022
Beginning Saturday, March 12, barring a new requirement from our local health department, the wearing of face masks will become optional throughout Island Athletic Club, including the pool and cycling studio. Members, staff, and guests will have the choice to wear a face mask, with the expectation that others’ choices will be respected.
We will continue to filter and sanitize air in the HVAC system with MERV 13 filters and UV light sanitizers. Everyone should be respectful of others’ space and maintain the good habits we have acquired these past two years by cleaning the equipment before and after use, washing hands frequently, and staying home when sick. Not just to keep the spread of COVID at bay, but because it’s the right thing to do in an environment where equipment is shared by multiple people throughout the day.
We look forward to this next phase of recovery and thank you all for your patience and understanding as we have worked through the challenges of reopening.
Our Massage Department happens to meet the criteria of a Health Care setting and will continue to comply with the Washington State Department of Health face mask requirements.

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Power outage closure continues

As of 1:15pm on Wednesday, Nov. 17, power remains out in the vicinity of the Club. The Club remains closed until power is restored.

Power has been restored to the Freeland downtown core; we take that as a good sign that the Club will be restored soon. Please keep an eye out here or in your email inbox for further updates.

We appreciate your continued patience, and we look forward to reopening as soon as possible.

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Pool & Locker Room Changes Beginning 5/24

Following last week’s CDC guidance, masking requirements have been lifted for folks who are fully vaccinated. We appreciate your cooperation on continuing to wear a mask if you are not fully vaccinated (or just feel more comfortable keeping that mask on!).
Fitness floor reservations are no longer necessary.  
Beginning next week, we will be offering expanded hours, more lap swim sessions, longer water aerobics classes and family swim sessions, and responsible use of the locker rooms and showers for all users.
These modifications are subject to change and will be reviewed as we continue into the summer.
On Monday, May 24, the following changes will be implemented:
Club Hours Expanding:
Monday through Thursday: 6am — 7pm
Friday : 6am — 6pm
Saturday: 8am — 2pm
Closed Sunday
Lap Swim Changes + Additional Sessions:
We will add multiple lap swim sessions each day. Each lap swim session will now be 40 minutes long with 5 minutes of post-swim time to exit the facility. Please work together and be respectful of others’ personal space so that we can successfully move through these tighter transition times to allow for more swim opportunities for all members.
Water Aerobics Classes:
Morning and afternoon Water Aerobics classes will be lengthened to a full hour. The evening class will remain in the 45-minute format. In some cases, start and finish times will be changed–please refer to the schedule for new start times. The 60-minute class will be possible only with timely transitions after class. Please show us that you can get out of the pool and exit the Club in a timely manner to allow for the next group.
Family Swim Sessions: 
Sessions have been extended to 90 minutes in length, and will include a reservation-only lane for Lap Swimmers of all ages.
Locker Rooms reopen for responsible, safe use:
Both men’s and women’s locker rooms will reopen for changing and showering for all Club users. We ask that you forego use of the locker rooms and showers whenever possible. A number of lockers per room will be available for unsecured cubby storage. (Locking lockers will be reintroduced at a later date.) Steam rooms and saunas remain closed at this time.
Looking ahead to continued reopening:
We look forward to reopening our saunas, steam rooms, and racquetball court, as well as expanding class capacity, as state guidelines permit. We hope that this will occur on or before June 30th and will keep you posted as we learn more.
We’re delighted to be expanding our offerings, and look forward to a continued safe and healthy partnership between members and staff.
Island Athletic Club Management and Staff

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